We setup and launched the balloon from Lima, MT and recovered it in Hamer, ID. The flight distance was just over 50 miles. While going over the mountains between Lima and Spencer, we saw speeds near 60 mph. This was a near perfect fight. Both APRS transmitters on the balloon, and a satellite transmitter worked the complete flight, and we never lost track of its location. The balloon hovered just west of Dubois for a fair amount of time as it climbed to just over 89000 feet.
We had three video cameras on board, 2 GoPros, and a traditional video camera. The traditional video camera was looking down and worked until it froze up at around 30000 feet, it started working again after landing and warming back up. One of the GoPros ran out of battery about 20000 ft on the decent. The other GoPro worked the full flight, and was still running when we recovered the packages.